I don't know exactly where the ideas started, but once there was a game created and named Ou Bien (like racquetball) we had to keep building. First we painted the lines for Ou Bien. Then we realized the strip of a walkway in front of the house was perfect for bowling, or even better, N'est-ce Pas? And when I say we here, I mean Alex and Jeffrey Lebowski.
That's when we decided Kankan was going to be the best house of all the regional houses. Alex and I designed a barbecue pit, basketball hoop, and ping-pong table, then spent one of our monthly visits to Kankan building the good times.
We bought materials, bought tools, and commissioned the hoop and poured the foundation for the barbecue pit. When we were trying to negotiate with the carpenters for the backboard and ping-pong table we were given ridiculous prices. We said forget that, if we buy a saw and a plane, we can build it ourselves. So we did.
Except where's the ping-pong table? We didn't have time to properly dry the wood we bought and it was shredding horribly under our plane. Rainy season isn't the wonderful natural kiln Kankan becomes during the dry season. So we scrapped the ping-pong table and made a couple benches instead. We'll make the table later when we can afford to pay for machine planing and it's dry enough to not destroy our wood in the process.
Tip o' the hat to Alex whose perfect serve and perfect shot allowed this film to be made in a single take. Miracle man he certainly is. If only we'd also had the time to grill something on the barbecue pit to finish off the video. Well, perfection and miracles never were guaranteed to be one and the same.
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Because I'm white, I am automatically accorded doctor of medicine status. People constantly ask me for medicine or a diagnosis. Aside from one instance where I pronounced a kid a lazy, spoiled slouch, I refer them to their health center and real doctors. They rarely go, claiming poverty. There's a reason so many people here are blind or missing limbs. It's not lack of health care, it's a failure to value one's health. How many people in my village have lots toes, fingers or entire limbs because a small infection, easily treatable with Mercurochrome or soap, was ignored or deemed unworthy of attention? Many.
I recently had a chance to practice what I preach. I had a staph infection on my stomach about two inches in diameter. I started a round of antibiotics when a second infection appeared, but I was having trouble with the draining.
Once I got it to come to a head, I was able to squeeze it. I got about two teaspoons of blood and and a good piece of pus to come out. I'd never seen congealed pus before, so I went to the health center to ask if there was another way to get it all out. Doc said nope, just squeeze. Prends courage, ici c'est l'Afrique. I got most of it out, but there were still pieces embedded in the hole it left behind. I had to get the doctor to do the last scrubbing for me. I brought my gloves, surgical sterilizer, and sterile gauze; bit down on my rolled up shirt (no desire for dental problems resulting from ground teeth); and he cleaned it out.
I was able to save myself two potentially lethal days on the road by forgoing the anesthetic I could have gotten in Conakry. A worthy trade by any measure.
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I've been helping my "brothers and sisters" collect termites when they pop out of the foundations of our huts. We grab the large, winged variety as they attempt to fly off. It was only after a couple weeks of effort that my oldest (still a bit younger than I) sister decided I, too, should eat them. I'd had my share of uncooked ones, but when she brought me the first plate of cooked ones I understood the effort. They're like popcorn with a protein kick.
She eventually showed me how to cook them and I even got a chance to do the whole process myself. Often when I cook with her I end up flinging stuff all over the place when flipping things in the air to remove wings, chaff, dirt, etc.
My brother caught this turtle and wanted me to take a photo. When I took a video, he insisted I show it to my friends. That's his little sister next to him.
David: What are you doing?
Lansiné: I'm cutting it open.
D: Cutting it open... What's that called?
L: A turtle.
D: A turtle? What are you going to do with it?
L: Cook it.
D: Cook it!?
L: And eat it.
D: And eat it!? Is it good?
L: It's really good.
D: That's awesome.
For those of you who are disgusted by the fact that he's eating a turtle, note two things: One, he's a kid, turtles, lizards, and songbirds are about all kids are able to hunt. If it's his dad who hunts it, he won't get to eat much. When the kids kill something, they all share it with each other. Two: the distended belly his little sister is sporting is caused by a lack of protein in diet, which leads to the under development of her abdominal muscles.
Peace Corps Volunteers are paid once every three months. The money is sent to a bank account and we are free to leave it in or take it out when we need it. Ironically, the policy about monetary theft encourages us to irresponsibly take out all our money at once. Unfortunately, the poor Guinean banking (up to and beyond five-hour waits in lines with only ten people in them), transportation and communication systems encourage the same behavior for those living in smaller, remote villages. So at times there are PCVs walking around town with millions of Guinean Francs in their pockets.
Nothing - not even Mefloquine - can make you feel as paranoid, posh or powerful as walking around with a sack full of money, which is your food and drink for the next three months.
Money, even when fresh from the bank, is a health hazard. Literally. It's a major disease vector. Some bills look like scraps of beat-up paper bag. If you remember most people's bowel movements here end up washed away with a hand and no soap (and for young women, so do the bowel movements of their children), you will realize just what's on the money tens of people will handle on a single day in the market. Don't think too hard about the food they hand to you, either.
The first time I withdrew money from the bank in Kankan was with Adam. The security is mindblowing. An average day sees It's a Wonderful Life-sized crowds huddling aroud three booths mostly enclosed with glass or plastic. The rest of the crowd is gathered around open counters. There is one military policeman outside. Lines are rare and even if present, often ignored: everyone who has business in a bank is "important" and therefore quite used to pushing to the front of any crowd. Order is, after all, overrated. And the tellers facing the mob sit in their boxes among bricks of money sufficient to construct a hut.
Fui a ver el bosque protegido de un pueblo cerca del mío. Los habitantes habían plantado la mayoría de los árboles allí, pero la naturaleza también metió unos cuantos.
Los de los hombres crecían rápidamente y tenían mucho éxito. Los de la naturaleza daban a comer y a beber. Probé una variedad de frutas igual a todas las que había comido en mi vida. Bebé el agua de una planta que siempre la retiene, aún en la estación seca.
Llegué al pueblo ya habiéndome dado cuenta que el programa de hacer bosques del hombre no tiene valor. Decidí en ese momento que mi trabajo sería un programa para plantar los árboles que la gente use. Esto se hará al lado del pueblo para que dejen el bosque natural. Así el bosque puede exprimir su diversidad.
Sólo así se puede salvar los bosques trópicales. De otra manera, tendríamos bosques, pero perdimos lo salvaje y acabamos con una ciudad de hombres hecha en madera.
Malaria, likely the number two killer in West Africa behind traffic accidents, affects my life in direct, omnipresent ways.
I sleep in a mosquito net and never spend an evening minute outside the net without first having slathered my exposed skin with insect repellent. The net, at least, serves other purposes. Undesirables (roaches, scorpions, spiders and the many other denizens of my hut) don't sneak into my bed at night. I'm reminded of how wonderful that is every time I find a potentially painful or shocking experience lurking on a wall.
The number one malaria countermeasure isn't the net or the repellent, it's a weekly prophylaxis, Mefloquine (Lariam). It has interesting side effects, though to avoid a closer acquaintance with malaria, I suffer them with joking complaints.
I have woken up a few times with my hut laid out before me in perfect clarity. The most striking thing of those moments was a large yellow bucket with the word Best written across it in bright red script. I own no such bucket. And one of the greatest parts of living in my hut is lying in bed in the morning until I am surrounded by the glowing halo of sunlight creeping through the gap between my brick wall and the straw roof. At night, it's as dark as a cave inside, and I can no more see my hand in front of my face than I can see the contents of my hut.
The rainy season has started. Local mangoes are finished and now I'm stuffing myself with the larger, grafted varieties. They're more fun to eat because they're often full of worms and they therefore give you a greater protein kick if you don't always see them right away.
It also means that on nights I sleep outside I am risking an inadvertent shower. Last night, for example: I've been sleeping on the roof here in Conakry in my mosquito tent. It's basically a mesh on poles - no protection from the rain. That's what the roof is for. But last night the wind was so strong I had to dig around for thirty minutes to find ear plugs and it blew my tent horizontal - I had the mesh pressed onto my face until I was able to put heavy things all around the edges to weigh them down. Life is good, though - it was much cooler with all the wind and rain.
Here Amy and I are trying to collect rainwater to use later for whatever - bathing for example. After Adam finished he came out and asked me if he'd just used leftover rain water I'd brought in to use. I told him yes and he was relieved he didn't just randomly have twigs and leaves stuck in his hair after a shower.
That said, the best bucket baths I've had in country were all during heavy downpours. One of those downpours caught me while I was out jogging and as it continued until after I'd finished my shower, I never even had to worry about sweat breaking out after just having showered. Instead I put on long pants and a fleece jacket. I tell you, 70 degrees is cold!
Me levanto a las 5:30. Ya me haré despierto hace 30 minutos, pero hace falta un poco de luz para empezar el día. Bueno, para hacer algo útil. Hasta que haya, leo con una antorcha.
Saco mi cubo para bañarme y me preparo para estar a la intersección del pueblo para desayunar a las 7. Siempre lo mismo: la harina de maís y azucar con algo ácido - una fruta trópica que nunca se ve entre todas las cosas allí mezcladas - sólo sabes que hay un poco de su zumo para que la harina se haga bolitas. Saludo a todo el mundo. Puede durar bastante tiempo para cada persona: I ni sööma, I ni sööma, Tana ma si, Here sira, I ni sooma, Mba, I Condé, Mba, Tana ma si, Tana si te, Here sira, Tana si te. Y esas frases se repiten como te de la gana. Mientras tanto estoy buscando la persona con la que voy a trabajar ese día. Muchas veces se le ha olvidado. O puede ser que cojo la bici para ir a otro pueblo de al lado (entre 3 y 30 kilómetros) para hacer un trabajo allí.
En cuanto la halle, voy al campo o al bosque con esa persona y hacemos lo del día - puede ser qualquiera cosa. No es raro que me llevan allí sólo para pedir el dinero de una manera indirecta.
Acabamos normalmente la mañana. Si tengo un programa para mediodía, será algo parecido - o no tendrá nada que ver. Hay mucha variedad. Entre los dos programas, voy al "bar" (una banca que quizás no caiga y quizás tenga un techo/parasol). Como el arroz con una salsa asquerosa que escondo con una montaña de pimiento fuerte.
Hace calor. Si no tengo un programa, me siento bajo un árbol para leer algo escrito en el inglés a los chiquitines o tocarles un poco de flamenquillo. Nunca dura - la música les interesa, pero todos quieren hablar conmigo mientras tanto y es dificíl hacer las dos a la vez.
Voy al pozo para coger el agua a las 4. Si hay mucha gente, puedo esperar hasta una hora para poder pedalear un poco. Cojo lo suficiente para bañarme la noche y la mañana, para regar lo arbolitos que he plantado por todos lados, y para lavar las cosas que están sucias - platos, el suelo, el gato, los niños...
De necesidad paso por el mercado - unas cuántas mujeres que venden lo que han sacado del jardín o que han hallado en el bosque para comprar la cena. Vuelvo después de saludar todo el mundo - una pequeña variación de la mañana. Decido si me interesa cocinar o si me voy a ascostar pronto. De todos modos me lavo y estoy en la cama antes de las 8 para leer una o dos horas con la antorcha y dormirme mientras el vecino, un video club, empieza a hacer más ruido que una discoteca y que puede durar hasta medianoche.
Mañana empieza de nuevo!
Aquí no se puede dar dos pasos sin ver una oveja. Las ovejas se han comido todos los árboles que yo había metido delante de mi cabaña. Pero aunque los guineanos viven con ellas, se sientan con ellas, y las ven a todo momento, nunca piensan a beber la leche de oveja. Comersela, sin cuestión; pero la leche nunca jamás.
La tomaría yo mismo pero no puedo pensar de la leche de oveja sin querer el queso o aún mejor la cuajada vasca - comida divina que echo de menos.
Hablo sin parar de la comida española. Una vez me tocó la suerte de ganar un jabalí entero. Fui a cogerlo y lo preparé para hacer cuatro jamones, salchichones, y no sé qué más. Lo que no sabía en ese momento es que el clima de España es perfecto para hacer el jamón ibérico. Creía que fue la preparación sólo que hizo famoso el jamón serrano. Qué tristeza volver a casa al día siguiente para ver el jabalí entero estropeado - salvo las costillas que Nyari y yo habíamos comido la misma noche que lo ganó.
La cerveza de Guinea no es una de las mejores del mundo. Tampoco está muy buena. Cuántas veces he dado las gracias a España por haberme enseñado la clara - la cerveza con limón para vosotros los madrileños. Tenemos el vino de mesa aquí también - marca Don Simón, claro que sí. Nunca me lo bebo sino que sea en forma de tinto de verano.
Me he prometido ir a España para veros todos antes de empezar otra vez la vida en otro lugar. Ahora es más seguro que nunca: veo la necesidad de comer a la española otra vez y prontito.
Julián, para que sepas, una vez me tomó la cerveza en un coco para ti.