The Gambia: home to one of Peace Corps' best agroforestry programs, site of a beekeeping IST I was fortunate enough to attend with Raven. Unfortunately, she took most of the good pictures on the trip, but doesn't want to share them with me. I'll keep working on her and maybe I'll get some posted after several months. Until then, here are a few:

The beach. Our last afternoon in The Gambia saw a little time to relax tossed to us like a bone still covered in fresh, well roasted beef. It was a lot of fun.

Much to my relief, the director of Peace Corps, whom I met in The Gambia, meant at least one of The Gambia's newspapers decided to tell everyone we're not affiliated with American intelligence. Keeping with the theme of important people I saw in The Gambia, we saw the president of The Gambia in a middle of a session where we learned how to fertilize with urine. Being truly apolitical, I didn't go shake his hand, but all the Gambian PCVs did. Check their blogs, I know at least two of them took photos of him.

Crossing a river in Guinea on a ferry. I made sure not to waste any time and ate two mangos during the less-than-ten-minute crossing.
This ferry apparently doesn't sink, even with heavily loaded Peace Corps cars.
Nice beard!
The first Peace Corps Volunteers arrived in The Gambia at the invitation of the Gambian government in September 1967. They worked in skilled trades as mechanics, engineers, and carpenters, and they organized village cooperatives.
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